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  • If you are required to have a WEBCHECK/background check, you must go to the Trumbull County Sheriff’s Department to have the check completed. 

  • The Trumbull County Sheriff’s Department is a separate department from the Trumbull County Probate Court.  The Trumbull County Sheriff’s Department sets the hours for completing the checks.

  • Please call the Trumbull County Sheriff’s Department at (330) 675-4040 for up to date information about when you can have your WEBCHECK/background check completed. 

  • The Trumbull County Sheriff’s Department is located at the Trumbull County Jail, 150 High Street, Warren, Ohio  44481.

  • The Trumbull County Sheriff reports that the cost for checks will range from $35.00 to $75.00, depending upon the type of check that must be performed. 

  • If you have questions or concerns about getting the WEBCHECK/background check completed or the transmission of your results, please call the Trumbull County Sheriff’s Department at (330) 675-4040. 

In addition to the money and WEBCHECK form, the applicant must also bring their driver's license.

As the applicant, it is very important to have the WEBCHECK administered, since a hearing will not be held until the results of the WEBCHECK have been received by the Probate Court.

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